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Welcome to


A learning center embedded in place, dedicated to a sustainable future. 

Upcoming Programs:

Bamboo tree

March 19 - 22

Spring Program age 8 - 12

The camp will be filled with nature inspired activities, such as kilo-based science, nature arts, wonder-ful hikes, farm to table lunches, regenerative gardening, and other Hawaiian cultural activities.

Each day your keiki will be outdoors, expanding their imagination and being surrounded by nature.

The program will be spearheaded by Nahele, our wonderful Garden Coordinator along with a couple of special guests.


Join my class!

We are accepting applications for a nature-inspired daycare starting August for keiki 2 - 5 years old

Pink Earth


We promise we will send no more than one email a week. Through our email list we will send you information on upcoming events, overnight programs and outdoor day programs.

We'll be in touch!

"This experience impacted me in many ways. I saw a different point of view from the world and not only through getting to be apart of nature (outside) everyday, but through storytelling and culture that everyone there shared with us. It also showed me how to treat my body with the right food and nutrients."

— Youth Participant

"I learned and was also reminded that, "The sky is the limit." During the activities, I have noticed how alike and different I am from everyone around me, and that to be unique and special in any way is a blessing and we should embrace them."

— Youth Participant

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